Saturday, 30 April 2011

Bike frog?

You are probably wondering why there is an image of a frog on a cycling blog. And I agree the connection is rather a tenuous one. I found it in our Liquid Amber tree this morning when I was pruning. I think it's a Motorbike Frog and we have heard them plenty of times in recent years. Their croak is like the sound a motorbike makes when changing through the gears. It's still there now, after several hours, and I hope it stays.

On a related subject, there is a view here in Australia that people should only plant native trees in order to make best use of the water and attract native birds etc., but we have had honeyeaters nesting in this tree for many years and now have resident frogs. This would not have happened with a young native tree as they offer little cover. Our peppermint tree, which is as old as the house (1935), does not get birds nesting in it unless the Boston Ivy gets a hold and they nest in the thick growth.

Anyway, I shall try and keep on topic when we get to France!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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