Sunday, 11 September 2011

A change of plan: Albert to Belloy-sur-Somme

For the last couple of days we have changed our route to suit the weather, but the forecasts keep changing as well! By the coast, near the Bay of the Somme, it has been pretty dreadful so we headed inland to Amiens and Albert, planning to return via Belloy-Sur-Somme. Now we have decided to move north and inland to Arras, but the B&B was booked so it has been a case of one step back and two steps forward.

We had entered Albert from the north and so had not seen the town or war museum the previous day. The museum is in a tunnel and completely underground, where they have reconstructed some of the scenes in the trenches along with one section where they play recordings of bombs dropping. There are lots of artifacts and photos and it proved to be very interesting. You exit the museum in a park a few streets away from where you start. We cycled back through Amiens and onto Belloy-Sur-Somme in a light rain and then had to walk 3km to find a place to eat. Not all days go as planned!

Photos from the war museum at Albert
Before and after images - 'nothing was alive, not even a spider'

More colorful images: graffiti in Amiens

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Boulevard Carnot,Arras,France

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